• Aug 24, 2020

Efficient Home Office Organization: Top Tips for Productivity

desk diy

Home office organization is something we don't think much about until it's too late. You need a home office, so you create one. And over time, as you work in your home office, things stack and layer around you - used coffee mugs, a stack of files you keep meaning to put somewhere, software boxes, bills, orphaned pens - until one day, when something gets in your way or disappears for the umpteenth time, you suddenly realize that getting your home office organized is long overdue.


Pick three things and throw them out 

In the midst of a chaotic workday, the simple idea of picking three things to throw out can be incredibly powerful. As a manager, getting organized at work is important, but it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That's why this approach of becoming more organized by taking one task or project at a time can work best. Distractions like checking your email or multitasking can be avoided by setting a goal for the day and breaking it down into smaller tasks. Using a timer and time blocks can help you stay focused, and delegating tasks to coworkers may reduce your workload. To improve your efficiency, it's essential to prioritize the things that need to be done and file folders or assign them to a specific task or project. Keeping your workspace clean and organized can help reduce clutter and increase productivity, while a clutter-free physical space and working environment can actually help improve your focus. Using tools like Trello or a paper notebook to keep everything in one place can help create order and achieve your goals. By reorganizing and putting away unnecessary items, you can make space for the things you actually need. Start every day with good habits, like meditating or creating a daily routine, to take control of your work life and achieve success.We'll start our home office organization with something easy just to get you in the mood and clear some space. There's probably a lot more than just three things either on your desk or scattered around your home office that can go from your workspace right to the trash or recycling bin.

Get filing drawers 

If you are someone who deals with a lot of paperwork related to your work or personal life, it's important to have a system in place to keep everything organized. One of the best ways to achieve this is by getting filing drawers. Filing drawers are an excellent tool for keeping all of your important documents and papers in one place. This can be especially helpful if you work in a field that requires you to deal with a lot of legal documents, such as law or warehousing.

By having a designated place for all of your important paperwork, you'll be able to save time and work in a more organized way. You won't have to waste time searching for important documents, and you'll be able to find everything you need right when you need it. Additionally, having a clean and organized workspace can help you stay focused and productive throughout the day.

When purchasing filing drawers, be sure to consider the size of your workspace and how much storage you'll need. You don't want to purchase a large filing cabinet if you have a small space, as this can take up valuable room. Consider purchasing a small set of drawers that can fit underneath your desk or in a corner of your workspace. This will help you streamline your workflow and keep your workspace clutter-free. Remember, by taking the time to organize your workspace, you can improve your efficiency and get more done in less time.

Filing cabinets are the kings of clutter for most home offices, which is ironic because we think of them as clutter solutions. In reality, though, we stuff them with whatever we can't find a place for or whatever piece of paper we don't need to deal with anymore but don't want to throw away. So our filing cabinet becomes our own personal landfill and when it's full, we just move in another one.

Sorting through the standard-sized four-drawer filing cabinet can resemble a dig with years of accumulated stuff to sift through. So let's start small. Organize your home office by choosing one drawer and weeding through it, removing anything that's no longer current or necessary.
Drawers tend to be dumping grounds anyhow but in a home office. Start small. Select one desk drawer and taking everything out of it.Sort through the contents, throwing out whatever is no longer useful and moving whatever is misplaced back to its better location. (The recipes, for instance, are probably best located near the kitchen rather than at your desk.)
Then insert a plastic organizer tray (available at any office supplies store) and put things back into the drawer, using the different sections of the organizer tray to keep things separate and easy to find.

Clear your bulletin or message board 

Clearing your bulletin or message board can help you stay organized and focused at work. By removing unnecessary notes, memos, and reminders, you can create a clear and clean space that helps you focus on your current tasks. This is especially important in a warehouse or similar work environment where space can be limited and clutter can accumulate quickly.

To begin, set aside some time for this task. Choose a time when you can devote your full attention to the project without any distractions. It's best to work on one project at a time and avoid multitasking as much as possible.

Start by removing all of the items on your bulletin board or message board. Sort through each item and decide if it's important or if it can be discarded. If it's important, find a designated place for it, like a filing cabinet or a specific folder in your email calendar. Use paperclips or other organizational tools to group related items together.

By keeping your bulletin or message board clear and organized, you can streamline your workflow and increase your productivity. It will also give you a clear visual of your current tasks and deadlines. Taking the time to clear your bulletin or message board can save you time in the long run, and help you stay focused on what's important.

Bulletin or message boards are a feature in many home offices. Alas, rather than keep us posted on up-to-date events and helping us to keep our lives organized, they often degenerate into cluttered time capsules.

Look at yours right now. Is there anything posted or written there that relates to something you need to do today or even this week? What do you see instead? Pictures drawn by the kids? Photos from last summer’s camping trip?

Keep the purpose of home office organization in mind. We're not just decluttering; we're creating a workspace that will help you be more productive. There's nothing wrong with having the kids' pictures and family photos displayed in your home - but your home office is not the place for them. Take them down and move them elsewhere. Then clear all the old messages off the board. You're ready to move forward.

Clear your desktop for a week | Important workplace organizational skills needed 

Clearing your desktop for a week is a simple but powerful way to improve your workplace organization skills. It allows you to focus on one task at a time, without any distractions or clutter taking up valuable mental or physical space. By eliminating the temptation to multitask, you can increase your productivity and reduce the time it takes to complete a task. Set aside time each day to focus on a specific project or task and clear your desktop of any unnecessary items that may distract you from your work. Make sure you have all the materials and resources you need for the task at hand, such as files, paper, and writing tools. A clean and clear workspace can help you stay organized and focused, making it easier to manage your workload and achieve your goals. By taking the time to organize your workspace and clear your desktop, you can improve your time management skills, reduce stress, and increase your overall efficiency at work. So, take some time to clear your desktop and experience the benefits of an organized workspace. 

Start by getting a large cardboard box. Now take everything off your office desk except for items that are absolutely necessary for your work, such as your computer and phone. Put everything you remove from your desktop into the cardboard box.


Put the box somewhere accessible but out of the way so you're not tripping over them. Then go to work just as you normally would. As you're working in your home office, if there's something you need that's not on your desk, fish it out of the box and put it in a logical place on or around your desk. For example, if you find you're word processing from typed copy, get your desk copyholder out of the box and put it back on your desk.

By the end of a week, you'll have everything you need to work efficiently on your desk or close to hand – and nothing else. As for whatever's left in the box, it belongs somewhere else, properly filed if it's a necessary piece of paper or thrown out if it's something that's just cluttering up your workspace.


Your home office organization | Ways to stay organized at work

Working from home has become increasingly common, but with it comes the challenge of keeping your workspace organized and productive. To stay on top of your workload, it's important to have a system in place that works for you. Start by creating a to-do list with deadlines to help prioritize your tasks. Keep your inbox organized by regularly checking and responding to emails, and use a template to streamline any repetitive tasks. Make sure to keep your space clean and organized to reduce distractions and create an efficient work environment.

Take some time to organize your workspace and create a routine that works for you. Use a small purchase, such as a paperclip holder or drawer organizer, to help keep everything in its place. Consider using a laptop to reduce the clutter of a desktop computer and free up more workspace. Silence your phone or turn off notifications during work hours to minimize distractions.

Keep a calendar with important dates and deadlines, and make sure to schedule in time for organizing and cleaning up your workspace. Try tackling one task or project at a time, and delegate when necessary. Use one-on-one meetings with coworkers to stay on top of projects and tasks.

For those last-minute tasks or unexpected projects, make sure to have a designated space to put everything away when you're finished. This will help reduce clutter and make it easier to find what you need. Finally, focus on improving efficiency and making the most of your time. Use a timer to stay on task and break up your day into time blocks to stay productive. By creating good habits and organizing your physical space, you can increase productivity and create order in your work environment.

Take your home office organization further if you like. Organize all your desk drawers. Master your filing system. Go through the full organizational makeover if you want to.

Hopefully the organizing you've done is doing what it was meant to do – letting you get more done more easily when you sit down to work in your home office.

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